Last month we looked atPart 1 of How to make this decade matter when it comes to investing.
So how did you go?
Things have changed quite a lot over the past few months, haven’t they?
Perhaps thinking about investing is the last thing on your mind right now – or as we’ve witnessed, now may be the time you finally have to look at this.
It’s normal to be fearful, anxious, and worried. To be stressed and doubtful.
“We’re all in this together”
With the strong encouragement for all of us to stay home, it’s tempting to indulge in negative thoughts. I mean, it’s been proven that we have a tendency for negativity – the media thrives on that.
Yet what good does negativity have on our wellbeing?
How does that help us get along when we’re stuck at home together for who knows how long?
We may not have experienced this type of crisis in our lifetimes. But it has happened before:
Cholera pandemic.
Spanish flu.
World Wars.
Great Depression.
Financial Crisis of 2007-2008.
What is certain is this:
All have passed.
This too will pass.
Will we get through it in fear, anger, and resentment – or with care, kindness, and calm?
My friend, let’s choose to stand away from the crowd.
Let’s choose to use this time as an opportunity:
To review where we’re at.
To revisit our priorities. Our purposes. And to plan for our futures – the futures of our kids.
This too will pass – and then we’ll still be thinking about how to set our kids up. Set ourselves up.
This virus isn’t going to go on for the next decade. So why not do that now?
Look at your financials. Review family strategies. Now, while you’ve got the time, at home.
Creating a strategic investment plan now – for our kids and ourselves – is so crucial. Setting up the right portfolio can put you in a position to help you and your children when the time is right.
We have heard some success and we have also been asked what to do…
Create a plan. Work backward from your goal to figure out what you need to do each year, each month, each week, each day – to bring your dream to life.
Schedule in activities, mini targets, and rewards. Make it part of your to do. Celebrate your wins constantly and you’ll soon love the feeling that you’re achieving great things – make the journey fun, though understand that it won’t always be.
Like anything in life, you’ve got to put in the effort to truly reap long-lasting rewards.
“Setting up the right portfolio can put you in a position to help you and your children when the time is right.”
For instance, if you’ve always wanted to run your own business – register your ABN. Talk to prospects. Print business cards. Source suppliers.
If you’ve always wanted to be a writer, write!
If you want to invest in property but have no idea where to begin, start learning:
- How to give your kids a kickstart in property
- Where should I invest next?
- Property investment: Have you missed the boat?
Ask people you trust for a referral to an investment advisor. Ensure advisors are accredited with the highest standards of licensing, education, industry certifications, and ethics in the industry – checking in with the ASPIRE Property Advisor Network is a great way to begin.
But don’t stop there.
Saying it is a good start. You also need to be aware of your thoughts, attitudes, and emotions for something to change inside you.
Be aware of your emotions
In The Emotional Life of Your Brain, neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson shares rigorous research that tells us emotions are central to the functions of the brain and to the life of the mind
Emotions underlie everything we do in our lives. It’s why marketers have used sensory branding since the 1950s to fill the gap that traditional marketing creates — it recognizes that customers aren’t rational. They make decisions based on emotions, impulses, thoughts, opinions, and feelings.
Good thing is, we can change the way we are – we can change our brains.
“Let’s choose to use this time as an opportunity”
Davidson suggests ways to do this: if you have a negative outlook that causes you to give up quickly or get grumpy often, speak more positively about yourself and find reasons to be grateful.
If you need more resilience to get past setbacks, be aware of your thoughts so you can reframe them (“I can never save” vs “I’ve saved before and I can do it again”).
Remind yourself every day
Look at your goal every day – as often as you can.
There will be times where you feel like giving up. Where it’s too hard. You’re too tired. It’s too hot. It’s too confusing. Times when you don’t have enough time. Don’t have enough money. Don’t know enough.
Look at your goal. Look at your plan. Visualise how it will feel – not to worry about money, to not need to work when you’re 60, to indulge in your interests. Remember how it feels.
Create your investment dream. Be who you need to be to make the dream happen. Make a plan to follow through. Remind yourself every day.
Understand that your emotions and your brain are key to who you are – and you have the power to change your brain and emotions to be who you need to be to realise your investment aspirations.
Don’t let yourself forget what you’re working toward. Don’t let yourself forget what you really want in life. Don’t forget and you’ll get where you want to be at the end of this decade.
Do something different now – so you can make the next decade different from decades before.
This is what will help you stand out from the 97% around you. This is how you can make this decade matter when it comes to investing.
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Einstein
Do you want different results this decade? Give me a yell.